Excellent Programming Tricks

Install Jekyll on Windows

  1. For appropriate download check your 'System type' by right click on This PC (my computer) and then again click properties. 
  2. Download and install latest version of ruby from https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
    1. Select "Add Ruby executable to your PATH"
    2. Complete Install
  3. Download and install Development kit from https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
    1. C:\ExcellentRuby\
  4. Run CMD
    1. cd/
    2. cd C:\ExcellentRuby
    3. ruby dk.rb init
    4. ruby dk.rb install
    5. close command promt
  5. Run command prompt with Ruby
    1. No need cd/
    2. gem install jekyll-> allow access
    3. gem install rough
    4. gem install wdm
    5. Oh! God now close CMD.
  6. Drive Selection and install Jekyll (folder like blog)
    1. Run command prompt with Ruby
    2. e:\ jekyll new blog
  7. Open _config.yml on notepad++
    1. Paste highlighter: rouge in the end of the last line. 
  8. Run
    1. Run command prompt with Ruby
    2. e:\blog>jekyll serve -w
  9. Now Type and smile.
Easy Use:
  1. Go to https://prepros.io/downloads 
  2. Download free windows exe file
  3. Wait a while for download
  4. Double click Prepros shortcut icon
  5. Grab folder put folder onto Prepros
  6. Click preview and default browser show install folder index.html file

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