Excellent Programming Tricks

HTML5 Note

  1. You need the html declaration for web programming, because declaration helps browser how to react with tag means syntax of tags. Use only <!DOCTYPE HTML> for HTML5.
  2. The character encoding declaration is required. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  3. Tags note
    1. <head> tag contains only metadata.
    2. h1 is most important than h6.
    3. For Preformatted text <pre> tag accepts space and line break.
    4. <picture> is act like media query (responsive) tag. Can display different images in different media type from different sources.
    5. Can add new element in HTML5 with css and javaScript support.
  4. Attribute note
    1. Image size information provides by width and height attributes.
    2. Attribute title act like tooltips.
    3. For screen reader use alt attribute.
  5. Property note
    1. For image size use 'max-width:100%; height:auto;' property as 100%. Never exceed the image original size.

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